Feeding Time-2021-06-04-World-Music

Jun 5, 2021 by Feeding Time

World music with a good chunk of Hatian music including some Hatian Voodoo music.

Playlist, not in to much order:

Ti Paris - Cochon St. Antoine

Monoswexi - Ndinewe

Amabano - Nteramajane

Francis Bebey - Bantu Lulaby

Fredrico Aubele - Ests Noche

Los Lobos - Poquito Para Aqui

Calixico - Guero Canelo

Thievery Corpuration - Pela Jenela

Si Se - Mariposa

Delerium - Monarch

Hindi Zahra - Beautiful Tango { Unplugged }

Razine Figuier - Loa Mazaka

Menbo Weena - Ogou

                     - 12.01,10

King Kessey - Gran Mange

Balkan Taksin - Shlonak

Fannie Fayer - Bakana Sega

So Anne - Bossou

Erol Josue - Erzulie


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