Feeding Time-2019-07-26- Myself,My Special Olympics Cat, B.K.and Tara Danials

Sep 22, 2019 by Feeding Time

I brought my adopted S.P.C.A. Special Olympics cat Andwew down for my show. I am joined by B.K. and P.R. S.P.C.A. branch manager Tara Daniales and we discuss the very sucsessful 2nd annual Lock In For Love event. 1st 1/2 hour is Dark Western Music. Great show and so much fun. Enjoy!!!


Download Feeding Time-2019-07-26- Myself,My Special Olympics Cat, B.K.and Tara Danials as MP3

Feeding Time-2018-11-09- Dark Western

Sep 22, 2019 by Feeding Time

For those  of you, whom like myself, am not much of a Country, Western fan, try this great sub-genre. With the exeption of the 1st track from Tremblers Of Sevens, the rest of the hour is an assortment of great Dark Western sounds. 


Download Feeding Time-2018-11-09- Dark Western as MP3


Jun 22, 2018 by FreqDown

This is a reproduction of Frequency Downshifting from June 13 2018. There was a technical difficulty and the live broadcast was not captured. I recorded this version at home with my record player and laptop.

For the show I played all vinyl that I bought at one of Powell Rivers great second hand stores. I found some great Hawiian and South Pacific records. A classic surf-rock album from the tornados. Plus a supposidly rare album from a Vancouver guitar player, Gerry Fiander. Plus some great country western albums, Exotic big band infused with sounds of the orient, a Carnival Limbo record and a really great folk-rock album from Quebec band Harmonium.

Thanks for listening.

Download frequencydownshifting-2018-06-13 as MP3