Let's Talk Trash

Apr 27, 2022 by LetsTalkTrash

Take a trip with us into the world of art!  We wet our toes in how artists are starting to use waste within their art or as a driver in their art in this episode.  We'll speak with Rosa Quintana Lillo, who will be an artist in residence at the Crucible Gallery during the month of May.  For her full schedule of events, beach combing parties, Grand Opening and drop in studio times, etc. check out her press release:

Link to the Province's Reducing Single-Use and Preventing Plastic Waste Intentions Paper:


Go here to provide your FEEDBACK on the Province's proposed single-use plastic regulations:


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Cleaning Up our Act: Shorelines & Local Food

Mar 30, 2022 by LetsTalkTrash

We all know it.  We need to clean up our act.  And sometimes that of others around us.  Our first guest, Ashely Tapp shares about her efforts to clean up Vancouver Island shorelines littered by a shipping vessel's accidental release of 109 shipping containers into the ocean.  Then we hear from a Sharon Almeida and Troy Edwards all about their efforts to grow food aeroponically and pretty much anywhere there is soil.

Download Cleaning Up our Act: Shorelines & Local Food as MP3


Feb 24, 2022 by LetsTalkTrash

Upcycling is the new (and more sustainable) form of recycling.  Intead of the 'make-use-dispose' of linear production, upcycling gives resources a new life. In this episode you'll hear how busted up skateboards, old wood pallets and damaged clothing are all being creatively brought back into circulation. It takes a little imagination, a lot of patience, and often ends in a unique conversation piece.

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Let's Talk Trash - Episode 127

Jan 26, 2022 by LetsTalkTrash

Join us for this episode as we revisit some details with the proposed Federal ban for 6 select single-use plastic items.  Hear how the qathet Regional District is putting forth a resolution that will hopefully be adopted at a Provincial and Federal level calling for the ban of styrofoam in the marine environment.  And, we follow up on the 109 shipping containers that we swept off a cargo ship this past fall. Where are those containers now and how have the clean up efforts panned out?  Tune in to find out!


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Single Use Plastic Bans and Edible Food Waste

Dec 31, 2021 by LetsTalkTrash

Single use plastic bans are popping up all over the Province of BC. Today we learn how this has been made possible. Also, on todays' 126th episode, we'll explore edible food waste. Tune in for great tips on preventing science projects in your fridge.

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Zero Waste Cities: How do we get there?

Aug 31, 2021 by LetsTalkTrash

The road to Zero Waste is being paved, and in this episode, we look to cities like Victoria and Metro Vancouver for inspiration. We hear from Rory Took, a sustainability professional from Victoria about the many aspects of waste reduction and planning that are leading this city ever closer to its goal.

We also tune into a clip from a recent CBC radio interview by Grant Laurence with the Let's Talk Trash team and the qathet Regional District's manager of Strategic Initiatives and Assest Management, Mike Wall, featuring the up and coming Resource Recovery Centre project - located at the heart of the region and destined to bring the coastal community nearer to Zero Waste.

Download Zero Waste Cities: How do we get there? as MP3

qathet Shoreline Cleanups and Fossils in a Dump

Jul 27, 2021 by LetsTalkTrash

Hello Waste Warriors!  We have a new show for you this month.  7 large scale shoreline cleanups have taken place over the past 3 months in the qathet region that we're excited to report back on.  As well, we take a look at a large scale ocean plastic cleanup effort that is utilizing some innovative thinking to tackle this gigantic task.  And, we head to a landfill in Spain that is a hot spot for fossils!  As new dump cells are excavated a ton of neverbefore seen fossils are making their apperance.  All this and more mixed with some great tunes.  Check it out!

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Rebroadcast: Pills, Butts & WasteWater

Jun 22, 2021 by LetsTalkTrash

Move over microplastics, there's a new villain in town. What have you flushed down the drain lately? Pills, cleaning products, paint from brushes, or even bacteria, fungi and metals, maybe?  Do these contaminants of emerging concern need to be better regulated? We talk with a City Councilor and informed concerned citizen about their efforts to do just that. 

We tap into the Hold Onto your Butts campaign as well, to hear about the unexpected consequences of tossing cigarette butts and what some towns are doing to offer a safer alternative.

Download Rebroadcast: Pills, Butts & WasteWater as MP3

Rebroadcast: Making Peace with Invasive Plants

Jun 11, 2021 by LetsTalkTrash

Rebroadcast: Weeds and invasive species. Are they friend or foe? We look at these sometimes maligned plants from a few angles in this episode. Aryuvedic practitioner, Todd Coldecott, chimes on their role in rebalancing both the planet and our wellness. Founder of No Spray Powell River, Lisa-Marie Bhattacharya, shares how pest management practices affect biodiversity, and finally Karen Skadesheim, talks about using so-called invasives as materials for basketry and other creative endeavors.

Download Rebroadcast: Making Peace with Invasive Plants as MP3

Our Wild Ocean

Mar 25, 2021 by LetsTalkTrash

On our show this month, we dive into the ocean.  We take a global vitial signs check in with how our oceans are coping as well as speak to two divers who are exploring these depths while also cleaning up.  Tune in to glean more information about the wonders of the ocean while also getting inspired to make a difference through the seemingly mundane choices you're faced with on a daily basis.

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Pills, Cigarette Butts & Waste Water

Feb 28, 2021 by LetsTalkTrash

Move over microplastics, there's a new villain in town. What have you flushed down the drain lately? Pills, cleaning products, paint from brushes, or even bacteria, fungi and metals, maybe?  Do these contaminants of emerging concern need to be better regulated? We talk with a City Councilor and informed concerned citizen about their efforts to do just that. 

We tap into the Hold Onto your Butts campaign as well, to hear about the unexpected consequences of tossing cigarette butts and what some towns are doing to offer a safer alternative.

Download Pills, Cigarette Butts & Waste Water as MP3

PowTown Waste Warriors

Jan 29, 2021 by LetsTalkTrash

Powell River is two ferries deep up the Sunshine Coast of BC. Perhaps that's why, amidst its diversity of locals, the thread of valuing resources weaves. From artists who mine incinerator ash piles for metal to make jewelry to food cooperatives who members share a cider press to Regional District staff that use natural assets like trees to mitigate storm water naturally - PowTown has a host of Waste Warriors. In this, Let's Talk Trash's, 119th episode, you'll meet 5 of them.

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National Zero Waste Conference 2020 inspiring highlights

Dec 30, 2020 by LetsTalkTrash

This 118th episode casts some rays of hope on the future of the planet. We share highlights from the annual National Zero Waste Conference held in November.  2020's virtual conference focused on how the circular economy is already transforming the ways we produce, use and circulate goods and services. May you be inspired by the change-makers designing out waste, keeping valuable materials in circulation and regenerating natural systems while creating new economic opportunities and opening the doors to a more inclusive prosperity.

Download National Zero Waste Conference 2020 inspiring highlights as MP3


Nov 27, 2020 by LetsTalkTrash

Is the recycling system broken? We’ll dive into the recycling bin and see where the bulk of our recyclables end up and also what they get turned into.

We’ll also celebrate BC’s first marine debris depot arriving in Powell River by tuning into an interview that Let’s Talk Trash team member, Abby McLellan, had with with CBC host, Gregor Craigie.

Finally, we'll take the Grinch out of a giftless Christmas.

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Sep 3, 2020 by LetsTalkTrash

Making Peace with Invasives

Weeds and invasive species. Are they friend or foe? We look at these sometimes maligned plants from a few angles in this episode. Aryuvedic practitioner, Todd Coldecott, chimes on their role in rebalancing both the planet and our wellness. Founder of No Spray Powell River, Lisa-Marie Bhattacharya, shares how pest management practices affect biodiversity, and finally Karen Skadesheim, talks about using so-called invasives as materials for basketry and other creative endeavors.

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