
Aug 5, 2018 by FreqDown

Back broadcasting live in the CJMP studio for a 2 part show: The Middle Of Summer. Part Two -

Download frequencydownshifting-2018-08-01 as MP3


Aug 2, 2018 by FreqDown

Back broadcasting live in the CJMP studio for a 2 part show: The Middle Of Summer. Part One - 

Download frequencydownshifting-2018-07-25 as MP3


Jun 22, 2018 by FreqDown

This is a reproduction of Frequency Downshifting from June 13 2018. There was a technical difficulty and the live broadcast was not captured. I recorded this version at home with my record player and laptop.

For the show I played all vinyl that I bought at one of Powell Rivers great second hand stores. I found some great Hawiian and South Pacific records. A classic surf-rock album from the tornados. Plus a supposidly rare album from a Vancouver guitar player, Gerry Fiander. Plus some great country western albums, Exotic big band infused with sounds of the orient, a Carnival Limbo record and a really great folk-rock album from Quebec band Harmonium.

Thanks for listening.

Download frequencydownshifting-2018-06-13 as MP3


Jun 15, 2018 by FreqDown


I wasn't planning on uploading this podcast, but......

There was a technical difficulty and the show from june 13th wasn't recorded.

So here is the show I broadcast May 23rd while on vacation in HAWAII. Aloha!

Download frequencydownshifting-2018-05-23 as MP3

Zero Waste Hawaii Style

Apr 29, 2018 by LetsTalkTrash

Small scale communities in Hawaii are moving towards zero waste. We’ll go to the Big Island to hear how the Kalanihonua retreat centre is aiming to close the loop and live in greater harmony with the surrounding jungle.  From using pineapple cuttings to make delicious tea, to dedicating a room to host its permannent Free Boutique, to raiding the dumpster for flower planters, Kalani proves a good test case for how we can apply similar efforts in larger towns and cities. We’ll also take a peek at how a Hawaiian music festival kept over 300 pounds of compost from the landfill by creating onsite compost piles to feed local fruit trees. We’ll learn why the team lead, Scott Layback, had volunteers sort through all the garbage, compost and recycling  at the main entrance to the festival.

Download Zero Waste Hawaii Style as MP3