The PowTown GetDown 2024_08_30

Sep 5, 2024 by PowTown

Download The PowTown GetDown 2024_08_30 as MP3

Feeding Time-2019-11-22- Hour 3 Of 3-Hard Driving Psychedelic ROCK!!!

Nov 23, 2019 by Feeding Time

Some of the heaviest I could find all from D.J. Tony P,s old record labal TEE PEE Records.  DO NOT download or press play unless you want your brain melted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Seriously!!!

Give me silence and I can walk up Valentine Mountain. Give me this, and I feel like I could run up to the top of Mount. Everest. This Awesomness is the best naturaul HIGH on EARTH!!! The huggest thanks to David and The Unending Subtilties Of River Power for bringing it all back for me about 6 years ago. I thought this genre of music died out after Marty Balin left The Plane in 71. Boy was I ever wrong. Of all the genres of music that fascinates me,,,,,,,this is #  Fucking # 1  I am not much of a metal man, but combine that with psych and I am hooked. Cheers to all who LOVE Psychedelic music!!!


Harsh Toke  - Plug Into The Moon

Earthless - Flower Travelin Man

Earthless - Lost In The Cold Sun



Download Feeding Time-2019-11-22- Hour 3 Of 3-Hard Driving Psychedelic ROCK!!! as MP3

Microplastics: What do you need to know?

Feb 1, 2019 by LetsTalkTrash

In this show we take a microscopic look at plastic! Plastic by its very nature, breaks down, but it doesn't disappear.  What happens to all the microplastics that are now sharing the planet with us? Tune in to hear about how plastic is ending up in our food, and learn how compostable plastics are not the answer to the challenges of single-use plastics.

We hear from two Canadian researchers (Dr. Chelsea Rochman, and Marika Smith) who share their cutting edge look at microplastics in plants, the soil, animals, and even humans.

Download Microplastics: What do you need to know? as MP3


Jun 22, 2018 by FreqDown

This is a reproduction of Frequency Downshifting from June 13 2018. There was a technical difficulty and the live broadcast was not captured. I recorded this version at home with my record player and laptop.

For the show I played all vinyl that I bought at one of Powell Rivers great second hand stores. I found some great Hawiian and South Pacific records. A classic surf-rock album from the tornados. Plus a supposidly rare album from a Vancouver guitar player, Gerry Fiander. Plus some great country western albums, Exotic big band infused with sounds of the orient, a Carnival Limbo record and a really great folk-rock album from Quebec band Harmonium.

Thanks for listening.

Download frequencydownshifting-2018-06-13 as MP3

The Pow!Town GetDown 2016_06_03

Jun 5, 2016 by PowTown


PODCAST!! This week local DJ sensation Johnny Delish lays it down for over an hour with a firey ragga jungle playlist! Also tunes from Clinton FearonLioness Fonts - Fyah ArtistTippa LeeDub KartelGiant Panda Guerilla Dub SquadStick Figure and more!!! 
P!TGD is rebroadcast Mondays at 8pm.

Download The Pow!Town GetDown 2016_06_03 as MP3

CJMP News - June 3 2016

Jun 4, 2016 by Carrie

This week, Powell River City Council votes to recommend excluding 30 acres from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Councillor CaroleAnn Leishman will be on to explain more about that decision. 

Ioni Wais vistited the Tla'amin Language Circle to learn about and speak the Coast Salish language with elders from the Tla'amin community. Listen for that report. 

Then Sam Sansalone comes on to answer common questions in the fishing world.

We end the show with voices from Powell River Dreams and their dreams for the future.


Weather and tide reports: Erin Innes

Hosts: Peter Harvey, Carrie Swiggum

Engineer: Galen Muma

Production Assistant/Reporter: Ioni Wais 

Download CJMP News - June 3 2016 as MP3

An Even Keel

May 3, 2016 by
Dr. Dog makes contact

Please advertise widely during Funding Drive and Beyond!
That for a pledge of $75 or more to CJMP Dr. Dog will paint your portrait.
Own an original Dr. Dog! of yourself or a loved one, be they human or non-human Dr. Dog don't discriminate.
Don't miss out on this rare chance to be immortalized by Dr. Dog!!
This is not a draw, once you pledge $75 or more to CJMP you are automatically eligible.
All you have to do is let CJMP know that you want your portrait painted
and Dr. Dog will take care of the rest.
Happy Fundraising

-Dr. Dog

Download An Even Keel as MP3

The Pow!Town GetDown 2016-04-29

May 1, 2016 by PowTown

Fund Drive Week! CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River's Community Radio wants to send a signal that can be heard. We've raised $12,000 for a new antenna and equipment. We need $15,000+ to pay certified installers to climb the Gallagher Hill Tower and install the new antenna.



This weeks podcast includes some banter about our fund drive and why it's important to support community radio. I hope you can kick down a few bucks! Link up with to learn how to donate and see the prizes and perks offered! 

Music this week from    

 Mr Mambutu, @Tóke Bassplate RecordsThe MovementBlack SlateHorace AndyBob MarleyRoot DiamoonsNath ThelionsRas MuhamadDiambaKatchafireEarl SixteenHarrisson StaffordBunny WailerJah LegacyCity KayStick FigureFortunate YouthFyah TPeter Tosh, @garnett silk junior, Afro Fiesta and more!!! 


The Pow!Town GetDown is now sponsored by Grassroots Botanicals Cannabis Dispensary! 

Download The Pow!Town GetDown 2016-04-29 as MP3

The Pow!Town GetDown 2016-04-08

Apr 9, 2016 by PowTown
Download The Pow!Town GetDown 2016-04-08 as MP3

42 Fish discuss the VIBE at CHRY w Danae Peart

May 4, 2015 by 42 Fish

Cousin Awd speaks with CEO of the new VIBE 105.5 formerly CHRY to discuss the sudden format switch at the York University Campus Community Station.

Danae Peart discusses the market in which the station must compete and says corporate is not a bad word when it means less repetitive programming with higher standards.

Volunteers will still be welcome to apply.


Download 42 Fish discuss the VIBE at CHRY w Danae Peart as MP3

Andrea Layne Black. Spoken Word, Spit, and Shoes on The FFExpress Oct 5 2014

Oct 5, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

Andrea Layne Black joined Courtney Harrop on the Film and Festival Express to share some conversation and spoken word. Have a listen!

Intro: A Tribe Called Quest: Award Tour

Download Andrea Layne Black. Spoken Word, Spit, and Shoes on The FFExpress Oct 5 2014 as MP3

42 Fish Episode 15: Bring Your Own Thrust Cushion

Aug 14, 2013 by 42 Fish

The top secret garden party review with music from Oliver Swain, Emily Braden, Jaron Freeman Fox and Quinn Bachand. Also Oliver Schoroer and Nuala Kennedy, Brishen and Django!

Interivew with Graham Cocksedge of Slipstream Vehichles about the development of a family invention that could change marine travel! 

Droste Effect: Prequels - Where do you start the Narnia Series? Star Wars? Can a prequel exist without a Quel?


Download 42 Fish Episode 15: Bring Your Own Thrust Cushion as MP3

42 Fish Episode 14: Crazy Brave Horses

Aug 6, 2013 by 42 Fish

Dr. Zachary's Science Factory is re-opened and Thales and Anaximander are introduced. Cousins everywhere rush to name their children/pets.

Music from The Beaches, Cheryl Bear, Y la Bamba, Kid Koala +more

News from The Media Co-op and The Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Review of July

4th Anual Unis'tot'en Action Camp

The Language of Reconciliation


Download 42 Fish Episode 14: Crazy Brave Horses as MP3

42 Fish Episode 11: Hey Herc, it's Daedalus!

Jul 16, 2013 by 42 Fish

Cousins keep up to date with Groundwire News, learn how to create Porn Star Alter Egos and in Dr. Zachary's Science Factory we learn that Philosophy and Science laid the first chicken and egg at the same time. It's all in here with the 42 fish.

Download 42 Fish Episode 11: Hey Herc, it's Daedalus! as MP3

42 Fish Episode Seven: The Science Factory opens

Jun 18, 2013 by 42 Fish

Episode 7 and the Mothership drifts through turbulant technical waters. It boils down to not enough prep from the cousins. Get it together guys! 

A new segment begins and while the right name settles we'll call it:

"Doctor Zachary's Science Factory"

The insanity continues on 42 Fish, with music from the Chiminy Swallows, Miss Emily Brown, Lindsey Jane and more.

Download 42 Fish Episode Seven: The Science Factory opens as MP3

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