SHAMIK Live on The FFExpress July 27th, 2014

Aug 3, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

Shamik joins host Courtney Harrop in the Film and Festival Express to discuss his newest album, Channeling India.


Download SHAMIK Live on The FFExpress July 27th, 2014 as MP3

Interview and music w/Chris Weir of MAD NOISE (TheFFExpress 11/17/13)

Nov 18, 2013 by The Film and Festival Express

69 minute MAD NOISE segment, featuring music from the new debut album, and interview with Bassist, Chris Weir. This is a segment from The Film and Festival Express, November 17,2013.

To get your copy of the album, go here:

Follow @MAD_NOISE on twitter for updates on the album and the upcoming West Coast Tour!

Download Interview and music w/Chris Weir of MAD NOISE (TheFFExpress 11/17/13) as MP3