Drain Strain (Waste Veggie Oil, Garburators, and Sewage Sludge)

Aug 30, 2019 by LetsTalkTrash

All about the strain we put on our drain...and the planet, when we flush, pour, rinse or otherwise release items down our drains. We look into garburators - the pros and cons, waste veggie oil conversion into fuel, and talk biosolids (aka sewage sludge) with a UBC post-grad (Robin Harder). How do we manage this resource when it's contaminated with heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and microplastics?

Download Drain Strain (Waste Veggie Oil, Garburators, and Sewage Sludge) as MP3

Bear Attractants & Zero Waste Weddings

Jul 27, 2017 by LetsTalkTrash

The bears have long since woken up and are even being reported breaking into sheds and houses around town.  We will hear from the local WildSafeBC community officer about how to keep wildlife wild and our community safe. 

Love is in the air and there are a few Zero Waste wedding celebrations planned. One couple will tie the loveknot without forgetting to love up the planet on their special day.

Download Bear Attractants & Zero Waste Weddings as MP3