Microplastics - Latest Research

Jul 29, 2019 by LetsTalkTrash

In this episode, we go further into the topic of Microplastics and look at a recent study that was published out of the University of Victoria. The lead researcher on the project, Garth Covernton, brought forth an estimate of just how much microplastic we are consuming on an annual basis. Tune in to find out more!

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Microplastics: What do you need to know?

Feb 1, 2019 by LetsTalkTrash

In this show we take a microscopic look at plastic! Plastic by its very nature, breaks down, but it doesn't disappear.  What happens to all the microplastics that are now sharing the planet with us? Tune in to hear about how plastic is ending up in our food, and learn how compostable plastics are not the answer to the challenges of single-use plastics.

We hear from two Canadian researchers (Dr. Chelsea Rochman, and Marika Smith) who share their cutting edge look at microplastics in plants, the soil, animals, and even humans.

Download Microplastics: What do you need to know? as MP3