42 Fish Episode 14: Crazy Brave Horses

Aug 6, 2013 by 42 Fish

Dr. Zachary's Science Factory is re-opened and Thales and Anaximander are introduced. Cousins everywhere rush to name their children/pets.

Music from The Beaches, Cheryl Bear, Y la Bamba, Kid Koala +more

News from The Media Co-op and The Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Review of July

4th Anual Unis'tot'en Action Camp

The Language of Reconciliation


Download 42 Fish Episode 14: Crazy Brave Horses as MP3

42 Fish Episode 11: Hey Herc, it's Daedalus!

Jul 16, 2013 by 42 Fish

Cousins keep up to date with Groundwire News, learn how to create Porn Star Alter Egos and in Dr. Zachary's Science Factory we learn that Philosophy and Science laid the first chicken and egg at the same time. It's all in here with the 42 fish.

Download 42 Fish Episode 11: Hey Herc, it's Daedalus! as MP3

42 Fish Episode Seven: The Science Factory opens

Jun 18, 2013 by 42 Fish

Episode 7 and the Mothership drifts through turbulant technical waters. It boils down to not enough prep from the cousins. Get it together guys! 

A new segment begins and while the right name settles we'll call it:

"Doctor Zachary's Science Factory"

The insanity continues on 42 Fish, with music from the Chiminy Swallows, Miss Emily Brown, Lindsey Jane and more.

Download 42 Fish Episode Seven: The Science Factory opens as MP3