
Mar 31, 2017 by FreqDown

It's the "Spring Storm" edition of "Frequency Downshifting" featuring some beach stormin' #Surf-rock and hurrricane force Erotic Exotic Reverb from Central america. Dedications going out to Theo with some Sci-fi Surf and for Ian Alexander (The Rockabilly Express) some great Rockabilly. In the 2nd hour some classic rock'n'roll from the early 60's and at 4:20 experimental physcedelic rock from Nanaimo bands Colliding Canyons and Anunnaki. Anunnaki are playing in Powell river April 1st at the Villa soccer club with a surf-rock band from Washington The Sea Krakens. I have two tracks from the Sea Krakens 2016 self-titled album. And to end the show tracks from Courtenay band Strange Creatures.

Download frequencydownshifting-2017-03-29 as MP3


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