42 Fish Episode 012615: 42 Tla'Amin Fish of the Day p3

Feb 5, 2015 by 42 Fish

The Tla'Amin Word of the Day is : Kwakthumb - to tell a story

Discussion today on Storytelling as it relates to Canadian history. First Nations People of Canada were banned by The Indian Act from sharing their stories, speaking their language and passing on their culture. We discuss the impact that has today and how the Point of View of the Storyteller is so important.

Murray Dobbin joins us at 12:30 for #AwdPolitics. He breaks down the break down in democracy in his latest article on The Tyee and Rabble. 


Download 42 Fish Episode 012615: 42 Tla'Amin Fish of the Day p3 as MP3


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