42Fish ReSchooled: Honouring Queens Tahlequah Aretha

Aug 17, 2018 by 42 Fish

It's extra Fishy in August ǰɛǰɛ! Cousin Awd + Cousin Koosen talk about Fish Day in TlaAmin with young Cousin Taryn.

Cousin Robert of the Sunshine Music Festival shares stories and music from this 37th annual community event.

Plus special guest Mark Leiren-Young speaks about the Southern Residents J-Pod of Orcas, including Tahlequah and her marathon tribute.


ǰɛnχʷ - [jen - who] fish - the who is almost silent just a breath)

qʷanɛs - [kwa-ness] Whale, also TlaAmin name of Palm Beach

 42fish 6pm cjmp.ca pic of 3 strange little fish


How Long ndidi O 

Keily Kennedy (from facebook video?double checking) - singing live at tribal journeys

Forces of Nature Cocoa Biafro 

Think Aretha Franklin

Compared to What Della Reece 

Download 42Fish ReSchooled: Honouring Queens Tahlequah Aretha as MP3
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