Let's Talk Trash - Possessions & End of Life

Feb 23, 2018 by LetsTalkTrash

This episode concludes our 3 part series.  In this Febrauary edition we explore what happens to our possession at the end of our mortal life.  Why do we cling to some material goods with what seems to be a death grip?  As we delve into this topic we'll hear some interesting discussions, personal accounts as well as hearing a quick clip of Margerta Magnusson as she explains the concept of Swedish Death Cleaning.  

Download Let's Talk Trash - Possessions & End of Life as MP3


Feb 23, 2018 by FreqDown

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr this beach is cold, better crank up the Surf-rock. A good mix of Surf, Rockabilly, Garage, Psychedelic and Punk, with even a little Ska. The last 1/2 hour of the program features all Japanese bands.

Download frequencydownshifting-2018-02-21 as MP3