The PowTown GetDown 2018_01_20

Jan 20, 2018 by PowTown

This week on The Pow!Town GetDown Radio   

Show we celebrate the beginning of our 8th 

year of broadcasting! It's an all vinyl show

tonight with dub, roots, and old school

dancehall. Plenty of Steel Pulse to honour the

passing of drummer Steeve "Grizzly" Nesbit.

Download The PowTown GetDown 2018_01_20 as MP3


Jan 20, 2018 by FreqDown

SURF-ROCK!!! GARAGE!!!! PUNK!!!! Featuring a 1/2 hour segment of "The Punk Show" brought to you by self-proclaimned members of the anti-facism league. Here there & everywhere the anti-facism league is represented; we arre agianst facism of all kinds. Provocation from nazis, facists, racists, sexists, xenophobic and homophobic people will not be tolerated here. Following in the spirit of anarchism, anarchism meaning order without power, we are strongly anti-authoritarian thinkers. We insist on the opposition of authoritarianism in all it's forms. We are peaceful peoples, but not when it comes down to facism. LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.


Download frequencydownshifting-2018-01-17 as MP3