Every Day Is Like Sunday 2015-08-14

Aug 15, 2015 by EveryDay
Download Every Day Is Like Sunday 2015-08-14 as MP3

The Unending Subtleties of River Power [August 14, 2015]

Aug 15, 2015 by UnendingSubtleties

"Vasari says that on a winter day in Florence, when snow was deep on the ground, one of the Medici sent for Michelangelo to build a snowman in the courtyard of the Medici palace. Notwithstanding those (like Constant Lambert) who dislike the High Renaissance one can scarcely dount that the finest snowman on record took shape." (Anthony Powell, The Strangers Are All Gone, p. 201.) 


Teeth Of The Sea: Responder |
Eternal Tapestry: Vibrations |
Bardo Pond: Destroying Angel |
Spectrum: Close Your Eyes And You’ll See |
White Manna: Come Down Safari |
High Arctic: Violet Fire |
La Hell Gang: What You Want You Got It |
Grumbling Fur: Protogenesis |
Mystic Triangle: Silent Dream |
Yoseph Of Kirezi: Theme |
SIANspheric: Audiophone |
Plankton Wat: Stream Of Light |
Popol Vuh: In Deine Hände |
Chicos De Nazca: Only Place

[GIF courtesy of bigblueboo.]

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [August 14, 2015] as MP3