42 Fish Segment Tla'Amin Word of the Day: woowoom

Mar 31, 2015 by 42 Fish

Devin Pielle speaks about the Tribal Journey coming to Powell River and the songs created over the weekend at a composition workshop.


Download 42 Fish Segment Tla'Amin Word of the Day: woowoom as MP3

42 Fish Episode 300315: Tla'Amin Woowoom of the Day

Mar 31, 2015 by 42 Fish

Devin Pielle drives the Mothership for the first time!

She introduces cousins to the word: Woowoom and speaks about the Tla'Amin Canoe Journey and the songs written over the weekend in preparation.

More music from Pura Fe and Roxie Ray - both who can woowoom like nobody's business! 

Awd Politics with Murray Dobbin further explores Civic Literacy and the idiology of Idiologies.


Download 42 Fish Episode 300315: Tla'Amin Woowoom of the Day as MP3