Powell River Votes! Episode 7: Results and "Rap Up'

Nov 18, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

Join some of the Powell River Votes! team as we Rap Up our 7 weeks of election coverage! This episode features the results of Powell River's Municipal Election, reactions from people in the community about the results, and more!

Hosted by Emma Bell, with Tricia Sharpe, Lyla Smith and Courtney Harrop in studio talking all things election!

To listen to the full series, check out our podcast page at podcast.cjmp.ca

Congratulations to Powell River's new council, and thank you to the community for tuning in!

Big thanks to the PR Votes Team!!

Download Powell River Votes! Episode 7: Results and "Rap Up' as MP3

The Film and Festival Express November 16th, 2014

Nov 17, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

Election results and celebration segment feat Public Enemy, Kool and The Gang and MC Hammer, The Ghosts of March 21 followed by a discussion with Sam Stoker, *breaking News* Diversity Festival 2015 announcement, #MrFireWizard's Music History featuring The Grateful Dead, Ween, Method Man/Mary J Blige, Petula Clark and MORE!!


Download The Film and Festival Express November 16th, 2014 as MP3

Breakin Bread Episode 35: Mushroom Bacon Cream Sauce

Nov 17, 2014 by

Yo mama Rock Thrustcrotch cooks Definitely Not Diet Food and serves a side salad of fuck and 90s-o-rama tunes!

Download Breakin Bread Episode 35: Mushroom Bacon Cream Sauce as MP3

Powell River Votes! Episode 6: Agriculture

Nov 11, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

The Sixth episode of Powell River Votes! focuses on agriculture, with guests Paul Schachter, Juhli Jobi, inteviews with candidate Dave Dickson, incumbent Jim Palm, and more!

Hosted by Emma Bell and Roger Thorn.

Follow @cjmpfm, and hashtags #PRVotes and #PRElection2014 on Twitter for updates, and tune in Monday, November 17th at 6:30pm for our Results and Wrap Up episode!!

Download Powell River Votes! Episode 6: Agriculture as MP3

Regional District 'Area B' Candidates Forum

Nov 11, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

On Novemeber 10th, Powell River Regional District Area B candidates Kim Barton-Bridges and Stan Gisborne hosted a forum to discuss their platforms.

recorded live by Courtney Harrop, CJMP.

Download Regional District 'Area B' Candidates Forum as MP3

SD47 Board of Trustees Candidates' Forum

Nov 8, 2014 by

Recorded live at the Max Cameron Theatre, November 6th 2014.

Download SD47 Board of Trustees Candidates' Forum as MP3

NCRA Equity Committee Reading Group September Discussion

Oct 24, 2014 by 42 Fish

The NCRA Equity Comittee has a Reading Group which meets bimonthly onair to discuss member suggested materials.


September was hosted by CJMP 90.1FM in Powell River.

Reading Materials can be found below:

First an interview on NonDefensive Communication in this August episode of WINGS: Sue Supriano, host of Steppin' Out of Babylon interviews Sharon Ellison, communications Counselor - website www.pndc.com 

This link is to a 2 page pdf with great summery info on Non Defensive Communication 


This link takes you to a summary of Glen Singleton's Guide to Courageous Conversations about Race.


These 'rules' he suggests are applicable to any kind of challenging conversations not just ones about race. Again it's about communicating with other humans.

Finally a pdf of Ten Principals for approaching social justice issues through the arts. They are from a paper about using arts education to teach social justice issues however I feel the points are useful in many work environments outside of the classroom. Whether we are working on a documentary, a marathon, an episode, or just thinking about our work in the station, these ten points are good reminders of things to keep in mind or ask yourself throughout the work.

When we meet, I thought we might discuss some of our stations policies around communication, discipline, and enforcing rules or running meetings and how some of these communication methods have/could be implemented. CJMP policies can be found on our website.

Download NCRA Equity Committee Reading Group September Discussion as MP3

The Pow!Town GetDown 2014-10-10

Oct 20, 2014 by PowTown

GANJA HARVEST SPECIAL!! 3 Hours of reggae dedicated to the brave men and women risking incarceration and  working in the hills to bring JAH sacred herb to the people! 

Download The Pow!Town GetDown 2014-10-10 as MP3

Powell River Votes! Episode 2: Jobs and Economic Sustainability

Oct 14, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

The Second episode of Powell River Votes! focuses on jobs and economic sustainability,  a conversation with community member Claudia Medina, interviews with candidate Anita Adams, and council member Maggie Hathaway and more!

Hosted by Emma Bell and Drewen Young.

Follow @cjmpfm, and hashtags #PRVotes and #PRElection2014 on Twitter for updates, and tune in Mondays from 6:30-7:30pm until Nov 17th!

Download Powell River Votes! Episode 2: Jobs and Economic Sustainability as MP3

42 Fish Episode 10.09.14

Oct 10, 2014 by 42 Fish

Dis-Cussing Minister of Transportation Todd Stone's visit to PR and Drosting Out on the three articles written about it. Cousin Awd interviews Local Journalist Drewen Younge of Powell River Daily News

Music from The Meow-Meows, Another Project and Angelique Kidjo (for example).

#AwdPoli Awd Politics with Murray Dobbin we discuss the CETA and his article on Rabble CETA: Putting Corporations Ahead of Canadians

Once again Cousin Awd enquires what can we do that is more effective then holding up signs?

Download 42 Fish Episode 10.09.14 as MP3

Powell River Votes! Episode 1: Civic Engagement & Accountability

Oct 6, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

The First episode of Powell River Votes! focuses on civic engagement and accountability, the when/where/how to vote in the municipal election, and interviews with candidate Jim Baron, and Mayor Dave Formosa.

Hosted by Emma Bell and Ionatan Waisgluss.

Follow @cjmpfm, and hashtags #PRVotes and #PRElection2014 on Twitter for updates, and tune in Mondays from 6:30-7:30pm until Nov 17th!

Download Powell River Votes! Episode 1: Civic Engagement & Accountability as MP3

Andrea Layne Black. Spoken Word, Spit, and Shoes on The FFExpress Oct 5 2014

Oct 5, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

Andrea Layne Black joined Courtney Harrop on the Film and Festival Express to share some conversation and spoken word. Have a listen!

Intro: A Tribe Called Quest: Award Tour

Download Andrea Layne Black. Spoken Word, Spit, and Shoes on The FFExpress Oct 5 2014 as MP3

The Film and Festival Express- September 28th, 2014

Oct 4, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

Celebrating Women in Hip Hop, Alia Sharrief interview, talking about radio, activism, Ferguson and more, Roassander World Community Film Fest organizer Mary Lou Moore comes on the show, #MrFirewizard's Music History and more!

Download The Film and Festival Express- September 28th, 2014 as MP3

Mary Lou Moore-Rossander Film Fest Interview on TheFFExpress Sept 28, 2014

Oct 3, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

Mary Lou Moore joined Courtney Harrop on The Film and Festival Express on Sept 28th to talk about the first Rossander World Community Film Festival, hosted in Powell River on October 9-11th 2014.

Download Mary Lou Moore-Rossander Film Fest Interview on TheFFExpress Sept 28, 2014 as MP3

The Pow!Town GetDown 2014-09-26

Sep 28, 2014 by PowTown
Download The Pow!Town GetDown 2014-09-26 as MP3

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