Breakin Bread Episode 35: Mushroom Bacon Cream Sauce

Nov 17, 2014 by

Yo mama Rock Thrustcrotch cooks Definitely Not Diet Food and serves a side salad of fuck and 90s-o-rama tunes!

Download Breakin Bread Episode 35: Mushroom Bacon Cream Sauce as MP3

42 Fish Episode 1103: LNG = Fracking

Nov 7, 2014 by 42 Fish

Your Cousin Awd discusses Steven Biko and Soweto, during Apartheid South Africa.

Cousin Leila Darwish brings a Caucasian Man in a Suit to discuss why LNG in the Salish Sea is BAD idea.

Murray Dobbin on Powell River Voices and election issues.

Download 42 Fish Episode 1103: LNG = Fracking as MP3

LNG Community Forum, Powell River, Nov 3, 2014

Nov 4, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

On Novermber 3rd, 2014, The Council of Canadians, Salish Sea Marine Sanctuary, Powell River Voices, Sierra Club Malaspina and Dogwood Initiative hosted an informative presentation about the true impacts of LNG and what you can do to protect your community and the coast. , with a facilitated Q & A session with the speakers afterwards.


Leila Darwish is the BC-Yukon Regional Organizer for the Council of Canadians. Over the last decade, she has worked as a community organizer for different environmental organizations and community groups in BC, Alberta and the USA on campaigns such as fracking, tar sands, pipelines, nuclear energy, coal, climate justice, water protection, and more. She has spent the last several months organizing with communities across BC that are fighting fracked gas pipelines and LNG proposals.

Dr. Eoin Finn is a retired KPMG partner, with a PhD in physical chemistry and MBA international business. He is a 30 year part time resident of Bowyer Island in Howe Sound and is actively involved with The Future of Howe Sound Society and My Sea to Sky, two community groups who have been active in raising concern and opposition to the Woodfibre LNG project currently proposed for Howe Sound. His talk will focus on the economics of exporting LNG from BC and public safety and pollution concerns about LNG plants and tankers.

Donations from this event to be forwarded to front line pipeline resistance in Northern BC.

Recorded live by Courtney Harrop, CJMP 90.1FM

Download LNG Community Forum, Powell River, Nov 3, 2014 as MP3

42 Fish Episode 1027: Fear Mongering Media

Oct 30, 2014 by 42 Fish

A great day for Media Junkies who have microphones! Oh Jian! Oh Harper! Oh Canada!

Freaky tunes for freaks plus #AwdPoli with Murray Dobbin on his article for Counterpunch - not yet published in Canadian Media!


Download 42 Fish Episode 1027: Fear Mongering Media as MP3

42 Fish Episode 1022 Bed Bath and Beyond Coal Does Not equal LNG

Oct 24, 2014 by 42 Fish

Laura Benson of Dogwood Initiative 

Murray Dobbin on Orwell

Cousin Awd on coffee, high but not too high above the bowling alley.

Download 42 Fish Episode 1022 Bed Bath and Beyond Coal Does Not equal LNG as MP3

The Film and Festival Express- October 19th, 2014 FERGUSON EDITION

Oct 20, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

This special edition of The Film and Festival Express features voices and content curated from/about the current ongoings in Ferguson, St. Louis, Missouri regarding the shooting of Mike Brown, systemic racism, and police violence.

Live Guests: Bassem Masri (@bassem_masri) Molly Greider (@mollyrosestl), Bella Eiko (@bellaeiko)

Other audio includes: 'Dem Bringin Mo Murda' #HandsupDontShoot from IAMEMIX, DemocracyNOW! interview with Talib Kweli and Rosa Clemente, Youth Radio, voices of Ferguson clips, Mike Brown spoken word pieces, and more.

Music includes tracks from: Dead Prez, Mos Def and Talib Kweli, Public Enemy, Jeffrey The Artist & Memnon The Black, Immortal Technique and more!

#HandsupDontShoot #Ferguson #FergusonOctober #Shaw #ShawShooting

Download The Film and Festival Express- October 19th, 2014 FERGUSON EDITION as MP3

Breakin Bread - Episode 32: Borracho Beans

Oct 19, 2014 by

Your mama Rock Thrustcrotch prepares drunken beans with ingredients from her backyard and round the corner, plus a hand-picked assortment of fresh and mature tunes.

Download Breakin Bread - Episode 32: Borracho Beans as MP3

42 Fish Episode 10.09.14

Oct 10, 2014 by 42 Fish

Dis-Cussing Minister of Transportation Todd Stone's visit to PR and Drosting Out on the three articles written about it. Cousin Awd interviews Local Journalist Drewen Younge of Powell River Daily News

Music from The Meow-Meows, Another Project and Angelique Kidjo (for example).

#AwdPoli Awd Politics with Murray Dobbin we discuss the CETA and his article on Rabble CETA: Putting Corporations Ahead of Canadians

Once again Cousin Awd enquires what can we do that is more effective then holding up signs?

Download 42 Fish Episode 10.09.14 as MP3

Alia Sharrief Interview, The Film and Festival Express 9/28/14

Sep 29, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

Have a listen as Alia Sharrief shares her journey in music, radio, and activism.

We discussed topics such as what it's like to be a woman in Hiphop, Mike Brown in Ferguson, and the reality of Black and Brown civilians in America. Alia was able to connect Andy Lopez's murder in ‪#‎SantaRosa‬ to what's happening in ‪#‎Ferguson‬ and nationwide.

Download Alia Sharrief Interview, The Film and Festival Express 9/28/14 as MP3

42 Fish Episode 2.9: A School of Fish

Sep 4, 2014 by 42 Fish

Cousin Awd gets down and funky tellin' tales out of school

An interview by Janet Rogers with Tanya Tagaq

To Ottawa and Back

#AwdPoli with Murraqy Dobbin - the fight for public education

Download 42 Fish Episode 2.9: A School of Fish as MP3

The Film and Festival Express- August 10th, 2014

Aug 11, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

Jam packed show featuring some Old and In the Way, interview with Glen Gould of Rhymes for Young Ghouls, More from the Atmosphere Mixed Tape and update on all things Atmosphere with Ben Howells, Festival Breakdown and Rifflandia ticket giveaway with Sarah Fahey from BC Musician Magazine!!



Download The Film and Festival Express- August 10th, 2014 as MP3

Palestine Solidarity Hour, The FFExpress July 27, 2014

Aug 5, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

First hour of the July 27th episode dedicated to #Palestine #Solidarity. Music by Palestinian artists, and artists who support the resistance in Palestine. Doc Jazz, Low Key, Ahmad Qabour, Shakleton, Tamer Nafur, Refugees of Rap, Anomie feat Shamik and more!


Download Palestine Solidarity Hour, The FFExpress July 27, 2014 as MP3

The Film and Festival Express- July 27th, 2014

Aug 4, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

First Hour = Palestinian #Solidarity, Second Hour = Shamik Interview, Bass Coast Mix 2014, Third Hour = Douglas from Atomic Heart Productions, Kinnie Star, The Tailor, Mass777 and More!


Download The Film and Festival Express- July 27th, 2014 as MP3

SHAMIK Live on The FFExpress July 27th, 2014

Aug 3, 2014 by The Film and Festival Express

Shamik joins host Courtney Harrop in the Film and Festival Express to discuss his newest album, Channeling India.


Download SHAMIK Live on The FFExpress July 27th, 2014 as MP3

The Pow!Town GetDown 2014-08-01

Aug 2, 2014 by PowTown


PODCAST!!! The Pow!Town GetDown Radio Show with DJ Triple Dub aka dubcomandante from Friday 8/1/14. A reggae celebration of Jerry Garcia on his birthday, brand new music from Rocker TeeSuns of DubDub ColossusDelly Ranx and an afrobeat set amongst the roots, dub, and reggae!

Download The Pow!Town GetDown 2014-08-01 as MP3

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