Rich Man's World-Immortal Technique, Telstar-The Tornados, The Invisible Nation-Richard Desjardins & Robert Monderie, Society is Brainwashed-Ill Bill, R.E.D.-A Tribe Called Red Feat. Black Bear, Narcy, Yasiin Bey, Hoyda-Porest, Somos Sur-Ana Tijoux con Shadia Mansour, Ya hala ya habibi-Fairuz
“The Palestinian Holocaust is unsurpassed in history. For a country to be occupied, emptied of its people, its physical and cultural landmarks obliterated, its destruction hailed as a miraculous act of God, all done according to a premeditated plan, meticulously executed, internationally supported, and still maintained today...”
– Dr. Salman Abu-Sitta, Palestine Right Of Return, Sacred, Legal, and Possible
Powell River Agricultural Association would like to invite Powell River Residents and visitors to celebrate local food from farm to table, to savour the harvest, and to notice and appreciate this coastal mountain terrain that gives us the taste and essence of our local food.
Weekend admission is $5 for adults, free for children under 12 Exhibition grounds are closed to vehicle traffic. There will be parking on McLeod Road and Myrtle Avenue for people with disabilities and seniors. Bus service is also supplied from the mall for both days.
The NCRA Equity Comittee has a Reading Group which meets bimonthly onair to discuss member suggested materials.
September was hosted by CJMP 90.1FM in Powell River.
Reading Materials can be found below:
First an interview on NonDefensive Communication in this August episode of WINGS: Sue Supriano, host of Steppin' Out of Babylon interviews Sharon Ellison, communications Counselor - website
This link is to a 2 page pdf with great summery info on Non Defensive Communication
These 'rules' he suggests are applicable to any kind of challenging conversations not just ones about race. Again it's about communicating with other humans.
Finally a pdf of Ten Principals for approaching social justice issues through the arts. They are from a paper about using arts education to teach social justice issues however I feel the points are useful in many work environments outside of the classroom. Whether we are working on a documentary, a marathon, an episode, or just thinking about our work in the station, these ten points are good reminders of things to keep in mind or ask yourself throughout the work.
When we meet, I thought we might discuss some of our stations policies around communication, discipline, and enforcing rules or running meetings and how some of these communication methods have/could be implemented. CJMP policies can be found on our website.
On June 29th, Ben Howells joined Film and Festival Express host Courtney Harrop for a discussion about the upcoming Atmosphere Gathering Aug 15-17, and Project Intent, a new collaborative project making waves on Vancouver Island.