The Unending Subtleties of River Power [December 15, 2017]

Dec 18, 2017 by UnendingSubtleties

The antepenulitmate show of 2017. OMGOMGOMG. 


The Spacelords: Liquid Sun |
Psychic Lemon: Death Cult Blues |
Helicon: Valmiki |
Lamagaia: Panorama Vju |
Ash & Herb: Cap & Stem |
Prana Crafter: Holy Tempel Of Flow |
Plankton Wat: The Inward Reflection |
Kungens Män: Samtidigt |
Boogarins: Corredor Polonês |
Familia De Lobos: Todo Lo Que Brilla |
Here Lies Man: Here Lies Man |
Paleons: Quicksilver Snake |
Electric Eye: Serenity


Intro music: "Trans Martian Disko" by Moonwood. Outro music: "Seasons" by Sounds Around.

[GIF courtesy of Flotsam & Jetsam.]

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [December 15, 2017] as MP3


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