The Unending Subtleties of River Power [January 4, 2013]

Jan 5, 2013 by UnendingSubtleties

First show of 2013... back to the same old tricks. 


Peter Hammill: Red Shift | 
Mercury Rev: The Funny Bird | 
Cocteau Twins: Iceblink Luck | 
Farflung: The Raven That Ate The Moon | 
Primal Scream: Deep Hit Of Morning Sun | 
Slowdive: Some Velvet Morning | 
Gila: This Morning | 
Ride: Today | 
White Hills: H-p1 | 
Solar Bears: Hidden Lake | 
Labradford: Comfort | 
Efrim Manuel Menuck: A 12-pt. Program For Keep On Keepin' On | 
Oneohtrix Point Never: Ruined Lives | 
Warm Ghost: I Will Return | 
Neon Indian: Psychic Chasms | 
Vocokesh: Mood Piece 1

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [January 4, 2013] as MP3


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