The Unending Subtleties of River Power [September 14, 2012]

Sep 15, 2012 by UnendingSubtleties

This week, a tribute to Conny Plank, legendary producer of many of Germany's finest experimental bands during the 1970s and on into the 1980s, whose birthday was this week. 


Kraftwerk: Kometenmelodie 2 | 
Cluster & Eno: Selange | 
La Düsseldorf: Silver Cloud | 
Ash Ra Tempel: Amboss | 
Neu!: E-Musik | 
Michael Rother: Zeni | 
Cluster: Heisse Lippen | 
White Hills: You Dream You See | 
Spacemen 3: It's Alright | 
Hash Jar Tempo: Untitled VII | 
The Asteroid #4: Fingerspan | 
Vocokesh: Vibe #4 | 
Oneida: Whitey Fortress

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [September 14, 2012] as MP3


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