FeedingTtime-2021-09-10 World Music / Africa

Sep 17, 2021 by Feeding Time

Playlist not in order:

Tremblers Of Sevens - Stae Trooper

Salif Keita & Le Ambassadeurs - Wassolon Foli

Orchestre Poly Rythmo - Adjino Mi

Honore & Black Satiago - Assougnon Dje Dokoli

Los Espiritus - El Gato La Rueda

Lala Njava - Blues Song

Ofra Haza Hora Shoot

The Balaphonics Douba

Teshhome Meteku - Yezemed Yebada

Hama Sankare - Haira Alhawa

Ballake Sissoko & Baba Sissokoc - Sigi Gnogonya 

David Walters - Sa En Ya

                     - Manay



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