The Unending Subtleties of River Power [May 15, 2020]

May 18, 2020 by UnendingSubtleties

This one'll fry your mind. TURN IT UP MOFO. 


Comacozer: Sun Of Hyperion |
Dead Sea Apes: Lunar Mansions |
Lamagaia: Lamagaius |
Ancient River: Under The Stone |
Mt. Mountain: Tassels (Original Version) |
Black Tempest: Mukti Advesha |
SeRvo: Yajña |
White Hills: Freedom To Be


Intro music: "Trans Martian Disko" by Moonwood. Outro music: "Seasons" by Sounds Around.

[GIF courtesy of Necessary Disorder.]

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [May 15, 2020] as MP3


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