The Unending Subtleties of River Power [December 13, 2019]

Dec 16, 2019 by UnendingSubtleties

The all-2019 show, except for a trip into The Wayback Machine to the Spacemen 3 tribute album that came out in 2006, plus a sneak peak at the forthcoming 2020 album "Selva" from Las Cobras. 


Kungens Män: Patriarkivet |
Sista Maj: A Lighter Feather |
The Asteroid No. 4: Losing Touch With My Mind |
Dhidalah: Jovian Sky |
10 000 Russos: Quite A Charade |
Zone Six: Song For Richie |
Gnoomes: Xmas Decay |
Bike: A Casa Do Colapso Nascente |
Los Tabanos Experience: Crystal Madness |
White Canyon & The 5th Dimension: Holy Place |
Domboshawa: Rymdpuls |
Las Cobras: Evil In Your Eyes


Intro music: "Trans Martian Disko" by Moonwood. Outro music: "Seasons" by Sounds Around.

[GIF courtesy of hexeosis.]

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [December 13, 2019] as MP3


  1. Bob Coulter says:

    Dec 21, 2019

    Sista Maj: A Lighter Feather |/ Dihdalah This is epic, I am listening to the podcast right now for the umteenth time. Thanks David. If you were not doing the U.S.O.R.P. I would probably be doing it under a different show name. You are the most rockenest dude on the waves. Your show kicks some serius ass. Big Thanks. Nabob

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