The Unending Subtleties of River Power [June 22, 2012]

Jun 25, 2012 by UnendingSubtleties

Shut up you goddamn baby

A magical journey to Good Time Island, with musical interludes from purveyors of various head-stretching nonsense. Peristaltic alternation between slow pensive mood music and harsh stupid droning mush. Take your pick and leave some for the others. Stupid technical problems mean that this week's show is at a lower bit-rate than normal, but who cares? It all sounds like noise to me anyway. 


Oneida: O | 
The Beach Boys : Let's Go Away For Awhile | 
Vocokesh: Untitled II | 
My Bloody Valentine: Soon | 
The Besnard Lakes: Because Tonight | 
Antarctica: Arctikal | 
Michael Rother: Zyklodrom | 
Agitation Free: Haunted Island | 
Aspera Ad Astra: Give 'em Back | 
John Foxx: No One Driving | 
Red House Painters: Evil | 
Seefeel: Sway | 
Tower Recordings: Punk 3000

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [June 22, 2012] as MP3


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