The Unending Subtleties of River Power [September 13, 2019]

Sep 16, 2019 by UnendingSubtleties

I'm still not looking at that clip from The Newsroom and you can't make me. Meanwhile, musicmusicmusic TURNITUP. 


Oulu Space Jam Collective: Soft Velvet Underbelly |
Boogarins: Sombra Ou Dúvida |
Buried Feather: Melt Together |
Chicos De Nazca: We Should Go |
Firefriend: Dissatisfaction |
Infinity Forms Of Yellow Remember: Walk With The King |
Comacozer: Tryptamine |
Kendra Amalie: Facets Of A Holy Diamond |
Matt Valentine: Light Speed |
The Utopia Strong: Swimmer |
Guaxe: Povo Marcado |
The Silence: Yokushurui |
You Said Strange: Extend |
Taras Bulba: I Hadit, You Nuit |
Old Smile: Through To You


Intro music: "Trans Martian Disko" by Moonwood. Outro music: "Seasons" by Sounds Around.

[GIF courtesy of hexeosis.]

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [September 13, 2019] as MP3


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