The Unending Subtleties of River Power [July 12, 2019]

Jul 15, 2019 by UnendingSubtleties

A nice long track from the latest Lamagaia release starts us off, with a mini-tour of Australia along the way, plus the usual selection of delectable psychedelic fuckery. 


Lamagaia: Alabamian Horologists |
Twink With Moths & Locusts And Heavy Friends: High And Dry |
Hotel Wrecking City Traders: Passage To Agartha |
Zong: Giant Floating Head |
Mt. Mountain: FX / My Love |
Buried Feather: Dust |
Firefriend: Alone In The Dark |
Bike: O retorno de Saturno |
Kingdom Of The Holy Sun: Beautiful Sunshine |
Heavy Moon: Burnt Side Of The Moon |
Julie’s Haircut: Dining With The Enemy


Intro music: "Trans Martian Disko" by Moonwood. Outro music: "Seasons" by Sounds Around.

[GIF courtesy of Necessary Disorder.]

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [July 12, 2019] as MP3


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