CJMP News - November 04, 2016

Nov 4, 2016 by Carrie

Forestry supports our community in many ways, but logging is rarely without controversy. On today’s episode of CJMP News, we’ll be joined live with two guests to talk about logging in Powell River and beyond:

Russell Brewer is a local politician, avid cyclist and a registered professional forester. He’s serving his second term on city council, and serves as municipal director to the regional district board. He is the current president of the Powell River Metis Society, as well as President of the Powell River Cycling Association.

Andrew Bryant will be joining us as well. Andrew has worked as a wildlife biologist and consultant for over 30 years. He was instrumental in bringing back the Vancouver Island marmot from near extinction, working with Island Timberlands to plan a long-term recovery program. Currently, he serves as field trip coordinator with the Malaspina Naturalists Club.

Download CJMP News - November 04, 2016 as MP3


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