The Unending Subtleties of River Power [September 9, 2016]

Sep 10, 2016 by UnendingSubtleties

Look ma, no CanCon! Today we visit Russia, the USA, UK, Japan, & Chile. Jetlag never sounded so good. 


Gnoomes: Roadhouse |
Morgan Delt: Escape Capsule |
One Unique Signal: HS01 |
The Oscillation: Lonely People |
Kinski & Acid Mothers Temple: Fell Asleep On Your Lawn |
Gnod: The Mirror |
Chicos De Nazca: I Wanna Bring You Here |
White Hills: Lead The Way |
Pale Saints: Blue Flower |
Holy Wave: Our Pigs |
Mugstar: Flemish Weave |
The Asteroid No. 4: All Fall Down


Intro music: "Myrkur" by Sigur Rós. Outro music: "Seasons" by Sounds Around.

[GIF courtesy of big blue boo.]

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [September 9, 2016] as MP3


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