The Unending Subtleties of River Power [December 4, 2015]

Dec 5, 2015 by UnendingSubtleties

A karmic technical flameout towards the later bit of the show, but otherwise a flawless set of groovy-ass shit. 


Gnoomes: Roadhouse |
Gnod: Collateral Damage |
Earthling Society: It’s Your Love That’s Sound |
Genesis: Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats |
Carlton Melton: Sarsen |
Radar Men From The Moon: Hacienda |
Blown Out: Ultrawave Communications |
Bonnacons Of Doom: Black Flowers |
Kikagaku Moyo: The Spinning Wheel |
Landing: Rial Veed Für |
Pale Saints: Fell From The Sun |
Moon Duo: Thieves |
The Telescopes: Sadness Pale

[GIF courtesy of teh internets.]

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [December 4, 2015] as MP3


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