The Unending Subtleties of River Power [July 3, 2015]
Jul 3, 2015 by UnendingSubtletiesA sandy track through high marsh reeds brought us to an open beach beside the river Kunduz, at a point where its flow of pinkish muddy snow-water, sixty yards wide, came sweeping round a bend on its way to the Oxus with the speed of an express train. The beach was crowded with people; a blazing heat rose from the shimmering sand; against the lucid pink-blue sky, a line of camels and a line of willows disarranged each other's silhouettes.
Black Tempest: Darkness Enfolding |
Carlton Melton: Too Close To Home |
Mark McGuire: Astral Projection |
Cloudland Canyon: Krautwerk |
The Holydrug Couple: Dreamy |
Sundays & Cybele: Night Predator |
White Glow: The Sun |
Het Droste Effect: Soar |
Kill West: Letting The Light In |
White Manna: Transformation |
Teeth Of The Sea: Black Strategy |
Moon Duo: Cross The Way |
The Strange Attractors: Reverberation (Doubt) |
The Lucid Dream: You & I
[GIF courtesy of Flotsam & Jetsam.]
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