The Unending Subtleties of River Power [January 16, 2015]

Jan 17, 2015 by UnendingSubtleties

This week we celebrate the late great intemperate madman of pop music, Kim Fowley, who rarely saw a bandwagon he couldn't hop aboard and pervert with his unconventional approach to art. And we play some fucked-up music to soothe your soul. 


Dead Sea Apes & Black Tempest: Heliopause | 
Anthroprophh: 23/1/74 Berwyn Mountain / 22/9/78 Weedon Bec | 
Gnod: Untitled | 
Kim Fowley: The Trip | 
Kim Fowley: Bubble Gum | 
Kim Fowley: Strangers From The Sky | 
Warm Digits: Cut And Cover | 
Eat Lights Become Lights: Heavy Electrics | 
MIMICO: Cloud City | 
Fresh Snow: Mony Mony | 
SIANspheric: Turbulent / Hydrodynamic | 
Implodes: Bottom Of A Well

[GIF courtesy of Zolloc.]

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [January 16, 2015] as MP3


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