The Unending Subtleties of River Power [February 7, 2014]

Feb 8, 2014 by UnendingSubtleties

This week: new tracks from The Citradels & Holy Wave and piles of other wonderful things. 


Eat Lights Become Lights: Bound For Magic Mountain | 
The Citradels: This Man | 
Holy Wave: Change Your Head / Ecstatic Moment | 
Boogarins: Lucifernandis | 
Electric Eye: Tangerine | 
White Glow: Unreachable Hopes | 
Wooden Shjips: Other Stars | 
Mugstar: Axis Modulator | 
Mogwai: Remurdered | 
Fogbound: Whispering Corridors | 
The Asteroid No. 4: Revolution Prevail | 
White Manna: Transformation | 
Warm Digits: Weapons Destruction | 
Buried Feather: Drowning Man | 
The Warlocks: Chameleon | 
The Electric Mainline: Let Me Drift Away | 
Ebeling Hughes: Jump On The Sun | 
Indian Jewelry: See Forever | 
Clear Horizon: Open Road

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [February 7, 2014] as MP3


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