The Unending Subtleties of River Power [August 9, 2013]

Aug 10, 2013 by UnendingSubtleties

This week we celebrate Klaus Schulze's 76th birthday by playing one track from his massively bonkers 1973 album Cyborg and another less crazy track from the 1976 soundtrack to the porn film Body Love. And also a new track from the Eat Lights Become Lights album Modular Living, and the usual slurry of amazingness. 


Eat Lights Become Lights: 13th Looking South | 
Kosmischer Läufer: Sandtrommel | 
The Oscillation: Fall | 
Klaus Schulze: Synphära | 
White Hills: Pads Of Light | 
The Warlocks: Song For Nico | 
Wooden Shjips: Rising | 
Klaus Schulze: Stardancer II | 
Emeralds: Does It Look Like I'm Here? | 
Celestial Bums: Captain Trembly | 
Dirty Blonde Asylum: Screaming Jesus | 
Mugstar: Vehicles of Spain | 
Fairport Convention: End Of A Holiday

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [August 9, 2013] as MP3


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