Andrew Bird "Break It Yourself" Show 4

Jan 25, 2013 by AClub


For The Land    Current Swell    Long Time Ago    2011
Sifters    Andrew Bird    Break It Yourself    2012
Time and Time Again    Bahamas    Barchords    2012
Fatal Shore    Andrew Bird    Break It Yourself    2012
The Fear    Ben Howard    Every Kingdom    2011
Rocksteady    Sean Hayes    Before We Turn To Dust    2012
I'm a Rock    Attack In Black    Years (By One Thousand Fingertips)    2009
Rock N' Roll Is Free    Ben Harper    Give Till It's Gone    
Hole In the Ocean Floor    Andrew Bird    Break It Yourself    2012
Grown Ocean    Fleet Foxes    Helplessness Blues    2011
Belles    Andrew Bird    Break It Yourself    2012

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