The Unending Subtleties of River Power [November 2, 2012]

Nov 3, 2012 by UnendingSubtleties

In which your intrepid host gets trapped in a cycle of extremely mellow spaced-out music for a sleepy Friday afternoon... 


Loop: Burning World | 
Unrest: Volume Reference Tone | 
M83: Gone | 
Magnog: Lost Landing | 
Moon Duo: Mazes | 
Telescopes: Ocean Drive | 
Secret Shine: Trying To Catch The End | 
Sigur Rós: Syndir Guos | 
Popol Vuh: Aguirre II | 
Unrest: Imperial | 
SIANspheric: Slightly Less Sunshine | 
Landing: Across The Sky | 
Seefeel: Plainsong | 
Füxa: In Your Dreams | 
Roy Montgomery: She Waits On Temple IV | 
Michael Rother: Katzenmusik 10

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [November 2, 2012] as MP3


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