The Unending Subtleties of River Power [June 12, 2020]

Jun 15, 2020 by UnendingSubtleties

Another week, another trove of fantastic psych tunes from 2020. 


КОМВУИАТ ЯОВОТЯОИ: Entfremdung | Modell T |
Psychic Lemon: Jam 8 |
Mountain Movers: A Bright Form |
SeRvo: Râ |
Firefriend: Dreamscapes (Live) |
Rakta: Fim Do Mundo (Live) |
Sonic Boom: I Feel A Change Coming On |
League Of Sonic Discovery: Are You Satisfied? |
Rose City Band: Floating Out |
Carrom: Toda Cosmologies |
Devonian Gardens: Old Star |
Holy Wave: Escapism |
Anthroprophh: Too Old |
Holy Monitor: Summer Of Thorns |
Black Tempest: Forest Of Stars


Intro music: "Trans Martian Disko" by Moonwood. Outro music: "Seasons" by Sounds Around.

[GIF courtesy of hexeosis.]

Download The Unending Subtleties of River Power [June 12, 2020] as MP3


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