CJMP News - June 24 2016
Jun 24, 2016 by Carrie
In today`s episode: Powell River`s newest economic driver - Medical Marijuana; Save Desolation Sound; UN Refugee Agency in Canada; Heritage Minute re residential schools; Brexit referendum news; Oaxaca conflicts; Coastal Colour segment (Rabideye); Welcome Refugee greeting party; Weather Report (Erin Innes); Friends of the Library AGM and more!
Music: Texture & Light - A Quiet Place
Announcer: Graham Winter
Hosts: Carrie Swiggum, Peter Harvey
Engineer: Abby Mc
Interviews by: Ioni Wais, Carrie Swiggum
Guests: Dave Formosa, Russell Hollingsworth, Terra MacKinnon, Sonia Zagwyn, and more
CJMP News is broadcast live on Fridays 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. and rebroadcast on Saturday at 11 a.m. Email questions or comments to news@cjmp.ca