It's Go Time! podcast March 12, 2015
Mar 13, 2015 by JasonSain't it funky now? nope.
ringworm - "bleed"
suicidal tendencies - "i shot the devil"
swallowing shit - "a dying hope for a gender exclusive scene"
sweet cobra - "brux"
propagandhi - "the banger's embrace"
sacrifice - "the ones i condemn"
reversal of man - "hand me complaints please"
tubers - "small signs big posts"
waxwing - "spanish quartet"
violent soho - "gold coast"
strung out - "the animal and the machine"
against me! - "piss and vinegar"
thehell - "emerald"
attack in black - "broken things"
sleater kinney - "i'm not waiting"
small brown bike - "kingfisher"
the accused - "you only die once"
d.r.i - "i'd rather be sleeping"
d.o.a. - "war"