CJMP News - June 10 2016

Jun 10, 2016 by Carrie

(An example of hugelkultur)

City Councillor Karen Skadsheim has come in for an interview to continue the conversation on ALR land exclusion and Sino Bright school, as well as the incubator farm project.Our local BC Wildlife Coordinator talks with Ioni Wais about how to avoid wildlife conflict including bears.

Hugelkultur. A perfect way to make use of rotten wood and save water in your garden. Listen later in the show as Ron Berezen explains that.  All this and more on CJMP News.


Announcer: Graham Winter

Hosts: Carrie Swiggum, Peter Harvey

Engineer: Gale Muma

Interviews by: Suzan Roos, Ioni Wais, Carrie Swiggum

Guests: Karen Skadsheim, Francine Ulmer, Ron Berezen


CJMP News is broadcast live on Fridays 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. and rebroadcast on Saturday at 11 a.m. Email questions or comments to news@cjmp.ca


Download CJMP News - June 10 2016 as MP3