It's Go Time! podcast March 19, 2015

Mar 20, 2015 by JasonS

guest starring erin innes

future of the left - "arming aratrae"
war on women - "youtube comments"
unwound - "lucky acid"
born against - "mary and child"
line traps - "lie detector"
the blood brothers - "trash flavoured trash"
the gossip - "eyes open"
razor crusade - "put on your best suit"
these arms are snakes - "red line season"
rye coalition - "the higher the hair, the closer to god" *pictured 
torche - "healer"
touche amore - "blue angels"
white lung - "thick lip"
agatha - "breaking sound"
poor form - "boxed in"
so you think you can sleep - "police (fuck the)"
greg macpherson - "company store"
defeater - "hopeless again"  

Download It's Go Time! podcast March 19, 2015 as MP3